HSU Celebrates 松上榛子 Founder: Jia Spangler

2024年3月27日 恩典Ochu

为了庆祝 325天, 我们在强调我们的校友, 贾·斯潘格勒,23岁, and learning about her journey and experiences as a small business owner. 

Ms. Jia Spangler majored in psychology with a minor in marketing and obtained her bachelor’s degree at Hardin-Simmons University in the spring of 2023. She is thankful for her time at HSU and all she learned from her marketing classes, which she now implements in her business. Majoring in psychology helped her understand people and develop strong interpersonal skills necessary when running any business. 

Prior to the opening of her local boutique, 松上榛子, she worked at the same store when it was previously called Karson’s for 2.5 years as a store associate and online store manager. In the summer of 2023, she got an offer to run the store as her own. “I have always been interested in potentially starting my own business one day, but I never thought the opportunity would come up so soon, 尤其是刚从大学毕业,她分享道。. Despite recognizing the immense effort it would take to bring her vision to life, she decided to take a big leap of faith and pour her passion for creativity and clothing into her store. 

HSU alumna Jia Spangler '23 owns local boutique, 松上榛子. Here are clothes on display in her story. 9月30日成立, 2023, 松上榛子 is a local boutique in Abilene, 德州, that offers reasonably priced women’s clothing, 珠宝, 礼物, 及配件. 除了这些服务, the store houses a separate room called The Commons, which hosts ten other small businesses in the same retail space. 这是一个典型的工作日, Jia does anything from buying new inventory to planning future events, from managing the store’s official website and social media to overseeing the businesses in The Commons and other tasks that may arise. Besides running her own business, she holds a part-time position as a content coordinator at Chike Nutrition, 小型但不断扩大的企业. 

Jia shared some practical tips she applied while running her boutique. She mentioned that she loves hosting events at the store in collaboration with other small businesses. These events aim to attract new customers through various sales and activities and engage with existing customers. “I love bringing people together and doing something fun,” she explained. 通过计划这些活动, she can attract customers while also creating an avenue for social interactions and community building. 此外, she uses social media to expose her business to a larger audience by continuously updating her potential customers on Instagram about new arrivals and upcoming events. 

Running her own business has proved to be rewarding in different respects. Jia has had the opportunity to meet various people from different areas of life. She became part of a tightly-knit community through her collaborations with other small businesses in Abilene. “Connecting with people is important when running a business, and you learn so much from others,她评论道。. Additionally, she has developed new skills and a better understanding of business. “I never thought I would have to know as much about accounting as I have learned in the past six months,贾解释道.  

As a business owner, Jia has experienced some days where she feels unmotivated. On days like this, she keeps her head up and is determined to do her best. She does not hesitate to reach out to other businesses to share her worries and get some advice when she feels discouraged. “Talking to other small business owners can help, as these are challenges I think all businesses face or have faced in the past,她分享道。. 此外, she values her relationship with God and seeks His guidance during difficult times. Her faith in God assures her that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. 

Jia’s advice to students interested in running a business in the future is to “find things that you enjoy and incorporate them into your business. If you like something, other people probably do, too.” She also encourages students not to “be afraid to put yourself out there. Pop-ups are also a great way to introduce yourself and your business to new people.” 

To find out more about 松上榛子 and stay updated on upcoming events and sales, follow ins上的松上榛子. 
